cp_mascot_messages([{"mascotName":"Herbert P Bear","mascotActive":true,"mascotScript":[{"category":"Hello","categoryActive":true,"script":["Well well well","Look who we have here ","Look what the puffle dragged in... ","I am Herbert P Bear Esquire ","Formerly of the Arctic Circle ","Professional villain ","Certified genius ","Ursus Maritimus ","That means polar bear"]},{"category":"Goodbye","categoryActive":true,"script":["Go away ","So long fools!","I must be leaving now","You penguins are strange","I'm outta here","Shoo!","I don't have time for this","I'm a very busy genius","I'm busy","MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"]},{"category":"Responses","categoryActive":true,"script":["Indeed","FINE!","NO!","Impossible!"]},{"category":"Friends","categoryActive":true,"script":["You want to be my friend?!","MWAHAHAHAHAA!","That's hilarious!","Oh man!","Stop stop stop!","No but seriously I don't do friendship","You are welcome to be my minion","Request to be a minion the same way","that you'd request friendship.","YOU'RE WELCOME!","What's that?","Very well","You can be on my minion list","For now"]},{"category":"Agent","categoryActive":true,"script":["YOU!","I know you!","You're the agents that are always fowling up my plans!","GRR!","Stay out of my way!","Spare me your silly snowballs","Oh yeah!","TAKE THIS!","HA!","Leave the snarky comments to me, Agent"]},{"category":"Angry","categoryActive":true,"script":["BAH!","BLARGLE!","HEY!","STOP THAT!","WILL YOU STOP THAT!","KEEP THE SNOWBALLS TO YOURSELVES!","GAH!","EVERYONE FREEZE!","STAY BACK!","GRRRRR!!!","You pathetic penguins are starting to make me ANGRY!","You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!","SILENCE!","Enough of your shenanigans!","I just groomed my fur!","ROOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!","NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!","NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOO!"]}]},{"mascotName":"Rookie","mascotActive":true,"mascotScript":[{"category":"Hello","categoryActive":true,"script":["Hi everybody!","How's it going?","I'm doing great!!","What's up?","Heya!","Welcome to the Fair","Welcome to the Amazement Park!","Who's ready for some fun?","Wow you guys look hilarious!","We're all ready for some amazement!"]},{"category":"Goodbye","categoryActive":true,"script":["See you guys later!","I've got to report for duty","I mean I've got to...","check on the popcorn?","check cotton candy levels?","hide from clowns?","count balloons?","Umm...","See you later!","I'll miss you guys!","It was awesome hanging out with you!"]},{"category":"Questions and Answers","categoryActive":true,"script":["My favorite animal is my pet rock","Wait, that's not an animal!","Hmm let me think... ","My favorite animal is my rubber duck!","I like elevator music the best","It's so catchy!","My favorite game is a staring contest","I really like the game I Spy","My favorite sport is Mancala","It's not a sport?","My favorite sport is curling...","It rocks!","My hobbies are cooking fish and extreme ironing","I have a large collection of fish recipes","I like things better when they're extreme!","Do you have my background?","Wanna be friends?","Send me a friend request","I'll accept all the friend requests!",".","What's my real name?","I'm not telling!","It's too silly!","Just call me Rookie","I like it much better",".","You're right!","Yup","Nope!","I think you might be wrong","I should ask Gary about that","Maybe Aunt Arctic knows?","I bet Jet Pack Guy would know"]},{"category":"Responses","categoryActive":true,"script":["Hahahaha!","Oh hi!","Yup!","Thanks!","That's great!","Sure!","Good job!","I like your hat!","Follow me","Let's go this way","Where does this lead?","Good idea!","No way!","I don't think so","You guys are fun!","Lol","Lol jk","That was fun!"]},{"category":"Games","categoryActive":true,"script":["Let's play I Spy!","I spy with my little eye, something that is...","green","fair","pizza","delicious","shiny","balloony","speedy","chewy","snow","rocky","corny","made of hay","ogreish","fishy","on fire","whoops!","I mean","That's right!","nope try again!","Good guess!"]},{"category":"Jokes","categoryActive":true,"script":["Tell me a joke","That was hilarious!","HA HA HA HA!","Okay, I\u2019ve got a joke","What did the polar bear say about the igloo?","It's crunchy on the outside chewy on the inside!","Did you like that joke?","See! I KNEW it was funny!","Herbert didn\u2019t think so","I mean uhh","Never mind","I've got a knock knock joke","Knock knock","Who\u2019s there?","Rookie... remember?","Did you forget who I was?","Oh wait! that was a joke!","What's a pirate's favorite subject?","Arrrrrt!","Get it?","Because pirates love paintings!","Isn't that why it's funny?","Why were they called the dark ages?","Because there were so many knights!","Is that why they needed all those knight lights?","Where do astronauts keep their sandwiches?","In a launch box!","With pictures of planets and space ships on it","What kind of sandwiches do they eat?","Can you get sardines in space?"]},{"category":"Directions","categoryActive":true,"script":["Follow me!","Let's go this way","Where does this lead?","This way to the exit!","Come on everyone!","Where should we go next?","To Pirate Park","To Galaxy Park","To Tumbleweed Town","To Castle Park","To the boiler room!","It isn't decorated?","Nevermind!","Oh wait","Where are we?","I think I'm lost...","Does anyone know where the park is?","Oh yeah!","It's right here!",".","To the Buccaneer Boats","To the Marooned Lagoon","To the Bullseye","To the Wagon Wheel","To the arcade machine","To the Space Squid","To the Medieval Monsters"]},{"category":"The Fair","categoryActive":true,"script":["I'm so excited!","I can't wait for the Fair to start","What's that?","Oh yeah!","It's already started!","Let's go go go","Let's check it out!"]},{"category":"Transformations","categoryActive":true,"script":["Time for a parade!","Everyone dress up","We need robos!","Let's get some puffles!","Time for coyotes...","Or are those werewolves?","Change into pirate crabs!","Bring on the dragons!","Let's go!",".","You know what this room needs?","Dragons!","Puffles!","Wolves!","Robos!","Pirate Crabs!"]},{"category":"Clowns","categoryActive":true,"script":["Watch out for clowns...","Oh no reason","I just think clowns are kinda scary...","always laughing...","throwing pies...","Why are their shoes so big?","No one has any business having shoes that big","No offense...","just kinda scary",".","AHHHHH!","LOOK OUT!","There's a clown!","Run away!","Watch out!","Run run run!","If it bites you...","you turn into a clown!","I think","Stand back!","It's going to juggle!","NOOOOO!","How does it DO that??","Are you sure it's friendly?","okay","I'll try","Hello Mr Clown","Hello Ms Clown","Nice weather we're having","That's a scary wig you have","I MEAN NICE","That's a nice wig you have","Alright I should be going...","Are they gone?","Okay I admit","That was a nice clown","Still pretty spooky if you ask me"]},{"category":"Daily Spin","categoryActive":true,"script":["Hey guys","Have you taken the daily spin yet?","Make sure you spin for a prize!","You can spin every day","That's why it's the daily spin!","I named it myself","Time for a spin!","spins","gets dizzy","Where's my prize??","Whoa!","Oh yeah!","I have to spin the wheel","Not myself"]},{"category":"Space Squid","categoryActive":true,"script":["This is the Space Squid","It whizzes","and goes BLAOW!","It's my FAVORITE ride","Wave to the Space Squid","See it waves back!","Let's go for a ride","Weeeeeee!","Wow lasers!","Should we go again?","Let's go!","One more time!","Maybe I've been on too much","I'm starting to feel like the spin wheel"]},{"category":"Marooned Lagoon","categoryActive":true,"script":["Heehee!","I be a captain!","hahaha","I like driving a boat","Rockhopper never let's me","He's always worried...","because I crashed his boat once...","while it was still docked","What about you?","Say arrr if you be captains!",".","This is where we get off","Get your snowballs ready","There!","Throw over there!","What about this one?","Snowballs away!","Good shot everyone!","What if I hit myself?","spits snow","Oof!","Nope no bonus tickets","Start the music and I'll dance","Yeah I like this song","jigs"]},{"category":"Buccaneer Boats","categoryActive":true,"script":["These are bumper boats!","So you can hit things in the water","Not like the Migrator","Rockhopper was really mad...","...when I bumped that into the Dock!","There's a target!","Bump it for tickets","Nice one","Here I come","I'm being chased","Look out!","Oof!","Weee!"]},{"category":"Arcade Room","categoryActive":true,"script":["Wow!","Hey look","I'm all square now","but I still like to party!","haha","We're inside the game!","Are we winning?","Are you on my team?","What if we get a game over?","Ahhh!","bumps into wall",".","Hiya!","Is this a dancing game?","Let's try dancing","Should we play Rookie says?","Let's throw snow balls","or pixel balls?","This place is craaaazy!"]},{"category":"Bullseye","categoryActive":true,"script":["We can win tickets here","Good throwing!","Aim at Herbert","Nice shot","Ugh that guy is so mean","I wish he'd just leave us alone...","...and go sleep in a cave or something","Hey there's Klutzy!","Hey Klutzy","click click clickety click","Oh that's just a wooden target","Whoops!","I guess I only speak crab","Not wood!"]},{"category":"Wagon Wheel","categoryActive":true,"script":["Here we go","Weeee!","We're so high up","The island looks amaaazing from here","I love hanging out here","We should order some fish tacos","Think they can time it...","...so we can pick them up as we swing by?"]},{"category":"Concession Stand","categoryActive":true,"script":["Let's give out popcorn!","Do you like popcorn?","It's like magic","One second it's little kernels...","and the next...","it's fluffy and white and eaten!",".","Hot popcorn","Freshly popped!","Come and get it","gives bag of popcorn","munches popcorn","I think one got stuck","coughs","Water!","Lots of customers here","Give 'em out fast!","Quick fill up the tray!","fills tray","We need oil!","pours in oil","slips","slides","This oil is slippery!","Hold up your popcorn!","Thanks for your help","You're awesome popcorn poppers"]},{"category":"Ye Olde Castle","categoryActive":true,"script":["It's a mini Medieval party!","Let's ride the princess slide!","Hey that rhymes","What else can we rhyme?","Ogres have bad odor","The castle had a vassal","that's someone who works the King's land","Aunt Arctic told me","Weeee!","Who's next?","That ogre food stand looks delicious","I hope it doesn't bite","Fish burger anyone?","Who's serving?","I love sardine and seaweed pizza","Let's play Medieval Monsters!"]},{"category":"Medieval Monsters","categoryActive":true,"script":["Ahhh Ogres!","Oh no an evil wizard!","Save the princess!","Scorn?","Run!","Oh wait it's not the real Scorn","We must defeat Scorn","He's not a nice dragon","Use snowballs","to hit the fireballs","to defeat the wizard","to defeat the ogres","to hit the magic bolts","The princess turned into a frog!","Now what do we do?","put her in the pond?","Can we transform her back?","The knight's been hit!"]}]},{"mascotName":"??????","mascotActive":true,"mascotScript":[{"category":"Greetings","categoryActive":true,"script":["Ah","Hi","Hello","bear hugs","Oops!","Sasquatch sorry"]},{"category":"Answers","categoryActive":true,"script":["Uh huh!","Ummm","Uh nope","shakes head","nods head","shrugs","That good question",".","Sasquatch not have name...","what good name?",".","Sasquatch come from Wilds","The Wilds good","Waterfalls fun to slide on","Puffles nice family","Sasquatch grow up with puffles","Sasquatch thought he was puffle!","That seem funny now...","Sasquatch bigger than puffles...","and have more limbs","waves arms","Sasquatch not remember","Sasquatch sleep in ice for long time","When sasquatch wake up...","Sasquatch have pointy hat","So happy to meet you!","Sasquatch meet lots of new friends","So many!","Sasquatch not remember all names...","but sasquatch try!","Sasquatch like...","fishing","climbing","eating","exploring","Sasquatch always speak","but sasquatch nervous...","Sasquatch didn't know penguins yet"]},{"category":"Exploring","categoryActive":true,"script":["Where we going?","Are you puffle guide?","Sasquatch follow you","What this place called?","Oooh","Is there food here?","Can we climb here?","Sasquatch like to climb","climbs","swings","What does this do?","Ahhh!","Uh oh","Sasquatch should not touch maybe?","Sasquatch go inside?","This much bigger than puffle hut","Sasquatch go out?","Sasquatch think you good guide","Sasquatch been here!","Sasquatch like the Forest","It like Wilds but tiny","Tiny Wilds hehe","Can Sasquatch fish here?"]},{"category":"Eating","categoryActive":true,"script":["stomach grumbles","Mmmmmm","Omnomnom","eats noisily","This so good!","Better than o'berries!","What is this?","Can sasquatch eat this?","Yum!","Yuck!","Nope!","hahaha","You want some?","shares","It good right?","Club Penguin have many foods!","Sasquatch like it"]},{"category":"PH","categoryActive":true,"script":["PH is nice","PH helped sasquatch get fish...","and Rodney","That fishing rod's name","PH know all kinds of puffles!","She know more than sasquatch...","And sasquatch WAS a puffle!",".","PH","Hello","Sasquatch exploring with friends","Sasquatch saw...","the Town","the Ski Village","the Forest","the Pizza Parlour","Pizza Parlour full of food!","That brilliant penguin idea...","putting food in one place","Much better than searching...","for wild o'berries","Sasquatch learn...","how to make pizza","how to hop hydro","about fake boulder in Forest"]},{"category":"Reactions","categoryActive":true,"script":["roars","claps","jumps back","WOAH!","AHH!","pets puffle","scratches belly","yawns","stretches","blinks","shakes off snow","nice puffle","that good puffle"]},{"category":"Bye","categoryActive":true,"script":["stomach grumbles","Sasquatch need food","Bye for now","Thanks for showing Sasquatch...","fun island places","Sasquatch going to Wilds","Big family dinner tonight"]}]}]);