cp_mascot_messages([{"mascotName":"Aunt Arctic","mascotActive":true,"mascotScript":[{"category":"Greetings","categoryActive":true,"script":["Hello everyone ","It's good to see you all ","How is everyone doing? ","Oh my! ","Look at you all! ","Greetings from the Club Penguin Times! ","Hello!","Welcome to the Festival of Snow!"]},{"category":"Directions","categoryActive":true,"script":["Follow me, everyone!","This way, everyone","Let's go this way","To the Town","To the Plaza","To the Snow Forts"]},{"category":"Q & A","categoryActive":true,"script":["Did you have a question? ","Yes ","Hmm, I think so ","Hmm, I don't think so ","Hmm, I don't know actually ","Probably not ","No ","Oh, I would absolutely be your friend","Please send me a request ","Please take a background ","Do you have my background yet? ","I have too many favorites to say for sure ","I like fluffy animals ","Have you tried the tea? ","My favorite games are Find Four and Mancala ","I enjoy treasure hunting too"]},{"category":"Mail\/Art Submissions","categoryActive":true,"script":["Indeed ","I'm very proud of all of you ","I'm very proud of you ","I've seen a lot of your art and it's lovely ","Your art is incredible ","I love receiving your letters","Please send me a letter soon","We can be pen pals!","You write such nice letters","I bet there are a lot of writers here"]},{"category":"Festival of Snow","categoryActive":true,"script":["I love celebrating our artists","That's why the festival is great!","The sculptors turn art...","into these wonderful pieces","What wonderful sculptures","The art this year was quite fantastic","Do you like this one?","This is quite clever!","How beautiful!","This one is interesting...","So creative!"]},{"category":"Newspaper","categoryActive":true,"script":["I love reading all your jokes","You can send me jokes or questions","You can help me by","sending in jokes","sending in your questions","sending in drawings",".","To become a writer","you should read every day","you should write every day","you should observe your world","I'm so glad you all enjoy the newspaper",".","What's your favorite news story this year?","What are you looking forward to?","Have you sent in any art?","Have you sent in some questions?","Have we printed your jokes?","Oh, I recall that!","Wow!","That was quite a lot of fun","Indeed","Oh I couldn't choose","I've been very lucky with my reporting","That was a scary time!","I'm glad we managed to solve that","Some of my favorite memories...","are meeting all of you","I'm very proud of all of you","I'm very proud of you","Thank you for sharing your stories","I love to hear what you're up to",".","What should I report on next?","Do you mind if I interview you? ","What an amazing idea!","That might be tricky...","but I'll give it a shot"]},{"category":"Puffles","categoryActive":true,"script":["Your puffle is very neat ","They are cute ","Oooh I love puffles ","Hearts for puffles, everyone!","My puffles are resting at home","I have 5 puffles","I love them all dearly","What other puffles could there be?"]},{"category":"EPF","categoryActive":true,"script":["The EPF is hard at work right now","I'm afraid I can't discuss Herbert","but I promise we're keeping watch","We're in public, agent","please call me Aunt Arctic.","Thank you for your hard work agent","Maybe we can discuss that later","The only thing I direct is the CP Times","I'm afraid I don't know what you mean","How could I be editor and director?","That sounds like too many jobs",".","Now we can speak freely agents","I must talk to you about your training. ","I will be brief. ","The training missions are ready now","Go to HQ to try them","Some are quite difficult","So ask other agents for help","Train as a team...","work as a team!"]},{"category":"Trivia","categoryActive":true,"script":["Who wants to play a trivia game? ","I'm going to test your Club Penguin Trivia ","I'll describe someone, and you say their name ","Who am I? ","That's right! ","Good guess! ","Oops! ","Try again",".","This penguin is a great inventor ","He created the Pizzatron and the Aqua Grabber ","He is the only penguin with glasses thicker than mine! ","He wears a white lab coat ","It's Gary! ",". ","This penguin is in a band ","He sings and plays keys","And wears a cool black jacket","It's Franky! ",". ","This penguin loves puffles ","She even likes eating Puffle O'berries! ","She wears a whistle ","She discovers new puffles!","It's PH, the Puffle Handler! ",". ","This penguin sometimes makes mistakes ","But he always tries his best ","He is the EPF Communications Lead ","He once left a Box Dimension door open... ","...and the April Fool's Party started early! ","It's Rookie! ",". ","This penguin is a famous buccaneer ","He brought red puffles to Club Penguin long ago ","He has a friend named Yarr ","You might say his favorite letter is ARRRRR ","He has a thick black beard ","It's Rockhopper! ",". ","This penguin is a great teacher ","He trains penguins to use mysterious powers ","He is considered the master of Card-Jitsu ","He lives in the Dojo ","It's Sensei! ",". ","This penguin is a famous DJ ","She likes to mix music with SoundStudio","She will teach you how to bust a move in Dance Contest ","Her DJ name is K Dance ","It's Cadence! ",". ","This penguin is a reporter ","She writes articles for the newspaper ","She enjoys investigating rumors and mysteries ","She wears glasses and a pink beanie ","If you ever have a question, just ask her ","It's me!",".","You can find the Aqua Grabber in this room","Yes, the Iceberg","Where can you find Smoothie Smash?","The Coffee Shop is right!","Where can you find rainbow puffles?","In the clouds, correct!","Where do you get gold puffles?","In the Gold Mine, yes!","Sensei teaches this in the Dojo","Card Jitsu of course","Rockhopper bring this game with him","Treasure Hunt! My favorite!","This room has old issues of the CP Times","The Boiler Room!","My you certainly know the island well!","You must all be expert Tour Guides!","Well done"]},{"category":"Farewell","categoryActive":true,"script":["Take care everyone ","I'll be heading off for now ","I enjoyed myself very much ","It was a pleasure meeting you ","So long ","Bye bye!","Next year will be even better!"]}]},{"mascotName":"Gary","mascotActive":true,"mascotScript":[{"category":"Hello","categoryActive":true,"script":["Salutations! ","Greetings","How are you? ","Aha, I'm glad you could join me ","Good day to you ","Hello, I'm Gary the Gadget Guy ","You can call me Gary ","I'm Agent G","I am ready to assist","I am quite well","I am exceptionally mirthful","Exceptional!","I am significantly exhilarated!","I'm very pleased to be here"]},{"category":"EPF","categoryActive":true,"script":["SECRET agents you say?","Is that classified information? ","Agents? ","I know little","Ah yes, I know Herbert Percival Bear well","He is a grumpy menace","I can bearly stand him","Bearly! Get it!?","In all seriousness, Herbert is a concern","I'm afraid that's classified","Let's just say I assist the EPF technologically","I'm sorry I can't talk about that right now",".","Now we can discuss the EPF","The Elite Penguin Force","You heard the Director's message","We must be at our best","Test your agent skills...","on the training missions","Every mission we do...","increases our chances of success...","when faced with a real operation","Some mission are available","More will be unlocked next week","They can be quite difficult","They require clever solutions ","I used to run a sports shop","But it was only a cover","I find it surprising that it worked","I prefer ping-pong over football","Herbert's inventions were powerful","But not well tested","That's why I test my inventions","Until I hit version 3000","And sometimes they still explode!"]},{"category":"Experiments","categoryActive":true,"script":["Alright everyone","Time for a new spy gadget!","Who would like to help?","Are you a tech agent?","That's fine","Oh excellent","Inventing is my sole impetus ","That means I enjoy inventing things ",".","What should this gadget do?","Should it...","make coffee?","find fish?","track Herbert?","dig for treasure?","magnify?","shrink?","enlarge?","tell time?","break the ice?","fly?","That's a marvelous idea!","What a unique idea!","I'd like to try that!",".","Just a moment...","tinkers","assembles","breaks a little","puts it all together",".","Stupendous!","Aha!","Oh my!","We've created a...","coffee-making...","fish-finding...","Herbert-tracking...","treasure-hunting...","magnifying...","shrinking...","enlarging...","time-telling...","ice-breaking...","flying...","machine 3000!",".","I'm sure it will be very helpful","to our agents in the field"]},{"category":"Q & A","categoryActive":true,"script":["Certainly! ","I would be honored to be your friend","I accept all friend requests","Please send me a friend request","Scientists ensure you collect my background ","Have you collected my background?","Just open my player card","Indubitably!","May I have a glass of H20? ","Water is an efficient thirst quenching liquid ","My favorite animal? ","I'm something of an entomologist ","Which means I like insects ","Bugs of all kinds ","What is your favorite animal? ","My favorite game? ","I enjoy a rousing game of chess ","I do enjoy piloting the Aqua Grabber ","I love a good game of Find Four ","What is your favorite game? ","My favorite sport is.. ping pong, I think ","My favorite music? ","I enjoy classical music ","Though some of DJ Cadence's music is very catchy ","My hobbies? ","I like to collect things ","Insects ","Pins ","Comics ","Stamps ","All sorts of things"]},{"category":"Encouragement","categoryActive":true,"script":["You all look very sharp","I'm glad to see appropriate scientist attire","Anything is possible","With some tools","And some coffee","And some blueprints","And some glue ","And my triceratops puffle","You show impressive fortitude! ","That means you're very determined! ","Excellent knowledge! ","Great work, my inventive friend"]},{"category":"Directions","categoryActive":true,"script":["Alright let's go! ","Follow me everyone ","Stay close at hand ","Accompany me","Let us expedite our progress! ","Come this way! ","Step lively everyone ","Let us continue ","This way ","Over here ","Hmm... ","What's this? ","Which way is it? ","Which way do we go? ","Does anyone know the way?","To the Phoning Facility!","To the Ski Village!"]},{"category":"Darwin","categoryActive":true,"script":["Darwin is my pet puffle!","He's a blue triceratops puffle","I hatched him from an egg","He's very clever...","and an attentive pet","Which is important...","He's my lab assistant!","Well he chews wires","and pushs over beakers","Puffles are an unexplored subject for me","I need to more research","What do puffles like to eat?","What do puffles like to drink?","Where do you walk your puffle?"]},{"category":"Goodbyes","categoryActive":true,"script":["I must excuse myself now. Take care! ","I will most certainly be back soon ","The time of my departure is nigh ","Farewell penguins ","Goodbye, scientists ","Keep researching while I'm gone","I'm sure we will encounter each other again","I must be taking my leave now","There is a situation which needs my attention","Best of luck with the missions!"]}]},{"mascotName":"Herbert P Bear","mascotActive":true,"mascotScript":[{"category":"Hello","categoryActive":true,"script":["Well well well","Look who we have here ","Look what the puffle dragged in... ","I am Herbert P Bear Esquire ","Formerly of the Arctic Circle ","Professional villain ","Certified genius ","Ursus Maritimus ","That means polar bear"]},{"category":"Goodbye","categoryActive":true,"script":["Go away ","So long fools!","I must be leaving now","You penguins are strange","I'm outta here","Shoo!","I don't have time for this","I'm a very busy genius","I'm busy","MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"]},{"category":"Responses","categoryActive":true,"script":["Indeed","FINE!","NO!","Impossible!"]},{"category":"Friends","categoryActive":true,"script":["You want to be my friend?!","MWAHAHAHAHAA!","That's hilarious!","Oh man!","Stop stop stop!","No but seriously I don't do friendship","You are welcome to be my minion","Request to be a minion the same way","that you'd request friendship.","YOU'RE WELCOME!","What's that?","Very well","You can be on my minion list","For now"]},{"category":"Agent","categoryActive":true,"script":["YOU!","I know you!","You're the agents that are always fowling up my plans!","GRR!","Stay out of my way!","Spare me your silly snowballs","Oh yeah!","TAKE THIS!","HA!","Leave the snarky comments to me, Agent"]},{"category":"Angry","categoryActive":true,"script":["BAH!","BLARGLE!","HEY!","STOP THAT!","WILL YOU STOP THAT!","KEEP THE SNOWBALLS TO YOURSELVES!","GAH!","EVERYONE FREEZE!","STAY BACK!","GRRRRR!!!","You pathetic penguins are starting to make me ANGRY!","You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!","SILENCE!","Enough of your shenanigans!","I just groomed my fur!","ROOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!","NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!","NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOO!"]}]},{"mascotName":"??????","mascotActive":true,"mascotScript":[{"category":"Greetings","categoryActive":true,"script":["Ah","Hi","Hello","bear hugs","Oops!","Sasquatch sorry"]},{"category":"Answers","categoryActive":true,"script":["Uh huh!","Ummm","Uh nope","shakes head","nods head","shrugs","That good question",".","Sasquatch not have name...","what good name?",".","Sasquatch come from Wilds","The Wilds good","Waterfalls fun to slide on","Puffles nice family","Sasquatch grow up with puffles","Sasquatch thought he was puffle!","That seem funny now...","Sasquatch bigger than puffles...","and have more limbs","waves arms","Sasquatch not remember","Sasquatch sleep in ice for long time","When sasquatch wake up...","Sasquatch have pointy hat","So happy to meet you!","Sasquatch meet lots of new friends","So many!","Sasquatch not remember all names...","but sasquatch try!","Sasquatch like...","fishing","climbing","eating","exploring","Sasquatch always speak","but sasquatch nervous...","Sasquatch didn't know penguins yet"]},{"category":"Exploring","categoryActive":true,"script":["Where we going?","Are you puffle guide?","Sasquatch follow you","What this place called?","Oooh","Is there food here?","Can we climb here?","Sasquatch like to climb","climbs","swings","What does this do?","Ahhh!","Uh oh","Sasquatch should not touch maybe?","Sasquatch go inside?","This much bigger than puffle hut","Sasquatch go out?","Sasquatch think you good guide","Sasquatch been here!","Sasquatch like the Forest","It like Wilds but tiny","Tiny Wilds hehe","Can Sasquatch fish here?"]},{"category":"Eating","categoryActive":true,"script":["stomach grumbles","Mmmmmm","Omnomnom","eats noisily","This so good!","Better than o'berries!","What is this?","Can sasquatch eat this?","Yum!","Yuck!","Nope!","hahaha","You want some?","shares","It good right?","Club Penguin have many foods!","Sasquatch like it"]},{"category":"PH","categoryActive":true,"script":["PH is nice","PH helped sasquatch get fish...","and Rodney","That fishing rod's name","PH know all kinds of puffles!","She know more than sasquatch...","And sasquatch WAS a puffle!",".","PH","Hello","Sasquatch exploring with friends","Sasquatch saw...","the Town","the Ski Village","the Forest","the Pizza Parlour","Pizza Parlour full of food!","That brilliant penguin idea...","putting food in one place","Much better than searching...","for wild o'berries","Sasquatch learn...","how to make pizza","how to hop hydro","about fake boulder in Forest"]},{"category":"Reactions","categoryActive":true,"script":["roars","claps","jumps back","WOAH!","AHH!","pets puffle","scratches belly","yawns","stretches","blinks","shakes off snow","nice puffle","that good puffle"]},{"category":"Bye","categoryActive":true,"script":["stomach grumbles","Sasquatch need food","Bye for now","Thanks for showing Sasquatch...","fun island places","Sasquatch going to Wilds","Big family dinner tonight"]}]}]);