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// quick news creator
$("#p-tb ul").prepend('<li id="t-newsupload"><a href="/wiki/Special:NahrajNoviny" title="Nahraj noviny (beta)">Nahraj noviny <span style="font-size: 80%; color: #08afbd; font-weight: bold;">(beta)</span></a></li>');
if (mw.config.get("wgTitle") == "NahrajNoviny" && mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") == -1) {
	$("#firstHeading span").html("NahrajNoviny");
	to-do list:
	  1. output text if string is too big (actually, always do that)
	  2. fix the passed 'date' property
	  3. add an interface
	  4. include in the interface a progress bar
$news = {};
$news.fn = {};
$ = {};
$news.errors = [];
/* data */
// languages text
$ = {
	en: "English",
	pt: "Portugu\u00eas",
	fr: "Fran\u00e7ais",
	es: "Espa\u00f1ol",
	de: "Deutsch",
	ru: "\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439",
// swf files paths
$ = [ // this[i].text.replace(/ /g,"") -> results fragment of the wiki file name
	{pos: "front", file: "header", text: "Header"},
	{pos: "front", file: "navigation", text: "Navigation"},
	{pos: "front", file: "featureStory", text: "Feature Story"},
	{pos: "overlays", file: "featureMore", text: "Feature More"},
	{pos: "front", file: "supportStory", text: "Support Story"},
	{pos: "front", file: "upcomingEvents", text: "Upcoming Events"},
	{pos: "front", file: "newsFlash", text: "News Flash"},
	{pos: "front", file: "askAuntArctic", text: "Ask Aunt Arctic"}, // provide name switching
	{pos: "front", file: "dividers", text: "Dividers"},
	{pos: "back", file: "header", text: "Header"},
	{pos: "back", file: "navigation", text: "Navigation"},
	{pos: "back", file: "askAuntArctic", text: "Comics"},
	{pos: "back", file: "jokesAndRiddles", text: "Jokes and Riddles"},
	{pos: "back", file: "secrets", text: "Secrets"},
	{pos: "overlays", file: "secretOverlay", text: "Secret (overlay)"},
	{pos: "back", file: "dividers", text: "Dividers"},
	{pos: "back", file: "submitYourContent", text: "Submit Your Content"}
// licensing
$ = "== Licensing ==\n{{CPTimes}}";
// upload comment
$ = "Uploaded newspaper file";
/* functions */
// get current issue information
$news.fn.getCurr = function(onDone) {
		url: "" + new Date().getTime(),
		dataType: "jsonp",
		jsonpCallback: "cp_newspapers",
		success: function(data) {
			var a = data[0];
				date: (function(DATE) {var a = new Date(new Date(DATE).getTime() + 86400000);return ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"][a.getMonth()] + " " + a.getDate() + ", " + a.getFullYear();}(,
				issue: a.issue.match(/\d+$/)[0],
				path: a.path.match(/\d+$/)[0]
$news.fn.upload = function(obj) {
	var obj = {
		issue: "451",
		path: "yyyymmdd",
		props: {}
	if (typeof obj.filesArr !== "object") {
		obj.filesArr = [];
	if (typeof obj.props === "undefined") {
		obj.props = {};
		for (var i in $ {
			for (var j in $ {
				var filename = i.toUpperCase() + "News" + obj.issue + ($[j].file == "secretOverlay" ? "SecretOverlay" : (function() {var a = $[j].text.replace(/ /g,""); return a == "Comics" ? "AskAuntArcticBack" : a;}())) + ($[j].file == "dividers" && $[j].pos == "back" ? "Back" : "") + (["header","navigation"].indexOf($[j].file) > -1 ? $[j].pos.replace(/[fb]/, function(a) {return a.toUpperCase();}) : "") + ".swf";
				obj.props[filename] = "" + i + "/news/papers/" + obj.path + "/content/" + $[j].pos + "/" + $[j].file + ".swf";
	function enc(s) {
		return encodeURIComponent(s);
	var a = Object.keys(obj.props)[0],
		url = obj.props[a];
		window.Q_obj = obj; // DEBUGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	if (typeof a !== "undefined") {
		// there are still properties in 'obj'
			url: mw.util.wikiScript("api"),
			data: {
				format: 'json',
				action: 'upload',
				filename: a,
				comment: $,
				text: $,
				token: mw.user.tokens.get("editToken"),
				url: url
			type: "POST",
			success: function(data) {"Successfully uploaded " + a);
				// - Object.keys(obj.props).length/obj.filesArr.length*100).match(/\d+(\.\d{0,2})?/)[0] + "%");, Object.keys(obj.props).length, obj.filesArr.length);
$("#newsupload-progress").val(String(String(obj.filesArr.length) - Object.keys(obj.props).length) + " / " + String(obj.filesArr.length)).css("background", "linear-gradient(to right, #dfd " + String((1 - Object.keys(obj.props).length / obj.filesArr.length) * 100) + "%, #ddd " + String((1 - Object.keys(obj.props).length / obj.filesArr.length) * 100) + "%)");
				delete obj.props[a];
					issue: obj.issue,
					path: obj.path,
					props: obj.props,
					filesArr: obj.filesArr
			error: function(data) {
				console.error("Failed to upload the file " + a + ". Error logs may be found in $news.errors");
				$news.errors.push({type: "upload_error", value: {filename: a, url: obj[a], response: data}});
				delete obj.props[a];
					issue: obj.issue,
					path: obj.path,
					props: obj.props,
					filesArr: obj.filesArr
	} else {
		// all properties have been deleted"Done!");"Now start saving pages!");
// create page
$news.fn.create = function (a) {
	var date = new Date(a.path.match(/(\d+)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/).splice(1).join("/"));
		pageContent = encodeURIComponent('{{Newspaper2\n|issue= ' + a.issue + '\n|date= ' + (["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"][date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getDate() + ", " + date.getFullYear()) + '\n|ask= ' + "" + '\n}}');
		url: mw.util.wikiScript("api") + "?action=edit&titles=Club_Penguin_Times/" + a.issue + "&text=" + encodeURIComponent(pageContent) + "&summary=" + encodeURIComponent("test") + "&token=" + encodeURIComponent(mw.user.tokens.get("editToken")),
		type: "POST",
		success: function(data) {
		error: function(data) {
			window.Q_publisherror = data;
			if (data.status == 756) {
				console.error("The request was too long. Please copy the content in the textarea and use it for creating the page");
			} else {
				console.error("An error occured while attempting to publish the page");
	}).always(function() {
		$("#newsupload dt").html('<a href="/wiki/Club_Penguin_Times/' + a.issue + '">' + a.issue + '</a>');
// main execution
$news.fn.exe = function() {
	var fromCurr = $("#newsupload-current:checked").length == 1;
	if (fromCurr) {
		// from current issue - get data and then create pages based on it
	} else {
		// data from a different page
		var issue = $("#newsupload-issue").val(),
			date = $("#newsupload-date").val(),
			path = $("#newsupload-path").val();
		if (
			$.isArray(issue.match(/^\d+$/)) &&
			$.isArray(date.match(/^[A-Z][a-z]+ ([1-9]|[1-3][0-9]?), \d{4,}$/)) &&
		) {
				issue: issue,
				date: date,
				path: path
		} else {
			console.error("Your input is incorrect. Please check again your parameters");
			alert("Your input is incorrect. Please check again your parameters");
/* interface */
	'<section id="newsupload">\n' +
		'\t<h3>Nahraj noviny (beta)</h3>\n' +
		'\t<input type="checkbox" id="newsupload-current" checked /> <span class="help" title="Parameters with a * on them will be ignored if this box is checked">Nahraj ty noviny co jsou ted</span><br />\n' +
		'\tCislo:* <input type="text" id="newsupload-issue" /><br />\n' +
		'\t<span class="explain" title="Asi tak jako to je vsude...">Datum:*</span> <input type="text" id="newsupload-date" /><br />\n' +
		'\t<span class="explain" title="Jako \'YYYYMMDD\', a je to podle casu v CP, prej den pred updatem">Datum v adrese:*</span> <input type="text" id="newsupload-path" /><br />\n' +
		'\tPtej se: <input type="text" id="newsupload-ask" value="Aunt Arctic" /><br />\n' +
		'\tCo je sakra vzadu:<br />\n' +
		'\t&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="newsupload-askcomic" value="ask" /> Ptej se tety Arcticove<br />\n' +
		'\t&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="newsupload-askcomic" value="comic" checked /> Komix<br />\n' +
		'\tJak to jde: <input type="text" id="newsupload-progress" disabled /><br />\n' +
		'\t<input type="button" id="newsupload-start" value="start" />\n' +
		'\t<h3>Output</h3>\n' +
		'\tIt is likely that the page\'s content will be too long. If that\'s the case, once loading is done, copy the following content to the page:\n' +
		'\t<dl><dt></dt></dl>\n' +
		'\t<textarea id="newsupload-result"></textarea>\n' +
		'\t<h3>Instructions</h3>\n' +
		'\t<ol>\n' +
			'\t\t<li>Leave the <span style="font-style: italic;">Upload from current Club Penguin Times issue</span> checkbox checked if you are interested in uploading the current issue.</li>\n' +
			'\t\t<li>Uncheck and fill the parameters with the asterisks (<span style="font-weight: bold;">*</span>) if you are uploading an old issue of the paper.</li>\n' +
			'\t\t<li>Modify the <span style="font-style: italic;">Ask</span> text field if the Ask section included a different character.</li>\n' +
			'\t\t<li>Switch the <span style="font-style: italic;">Comic or Ask section on the back</span> radio inputs if needed.</li>\n' +
			'\t\t<li>Hit <span style="font-style: italic;">start</span> to start uploading.</li>\n' +
		'\t</ol>\n' +
		'\tFor questions, requests or bug reports, please contact <a href="http://' + (location.origin == "" ? "" : "") + '/wiki/User_talk:Penguin-Pal">Penguin-Pal</a>\n' +
$("#newsupload-start").click(function() {
/* interface css */
	'#newsupload {\n' +
		'\tbackground: #fafafa;\n' +
		'\tborder: 1px solid #ccc;\n' +
		'\tpadding: 4px;\n' +
		'\tborder-radius: 10px;\n' +
	'}\n' +
	'section#newsupload h3 {\n' +
		'\tmargin-top: 0;\n' +
	'}\n' +
	'#newsupload textarea {\n' +
		'\tresize: none;\n' +
	'}\n' +
	'#newsupload dl, #newsupload dt {\n' +
		'\tmargin: 0;\n' +
		'\tpadding-left: 5;\n' +
	'}\n' +
	'#newsupload dt:not(:empty) {\n' +
		'\tmargin: 3px 0;\n' +
  issue: "451",
  path: "20140702"